Connection Test Summaries
A large number of full-size beam-column connection tests have been conducted in the United States and abroad since the 1994 Northridge Earthquake. The goal behind the Connection Test Summaries presented here is to gather the results of these tests into a standardized format to allow straightforward comparisons of the response of various connection configurations. Thirty summaries from the tests conducted under the Phase 1 Steel Project have been completed for distribution via this WWW site as well as through FEMA. In addition to the thirty connection summaries listed here, please see our Connection Database for several hundred more summaries. The tests that are listed below were conducted using two sets of beam and column sizes: a beam size of W30X99 and a column size of W14X176, or a beam size of W36X50 and a column size of W14X257. Various types of connections were used, although typically, these were pre-Northridge connections or different haunch configurations. Here are the 30 test summaries for your viewing:
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